Flype - vocals ||| Steve Vanderperren - drums ||| Stan DaMan - bass ||| Yannick De Pauw - leads ||| Robby Walter - rhythms


White Heat was founded in 1980 and released three albums in that decade. After playing numerous gigs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, the band eventually disbanded in 1986. In 2020 however, co-founder Robbie and bass player Stan picked up the thread and re-recorded twelve tracks together with three new members. All albums were remastered and re-released with the newly recorded tracks as a bonus. White Heat played their reunion gig at 2021's Alcatraz Metal Festival in Kortrijk (BE) which received critical acclaim.

The following years the band did shows in Belgium and the Netherlands, sharing stages with FM (UK), Picture (NL), Tygers of Pan Tang (UK), Angel (US), Elixir (UK), Killer (BE) and SteeLover (BE). 

In 2023 White Heat released new music for the first time in over 35 years: "Ready and Able". And the best is yet to come with a new album release in the near future...